To Active Illinek Lodge members:

Please be aware that our Lodge Executive Committee has had to make some changes in our Lodge Calendar, as we become accustomed to adjusting to local and BSA Covid guidelines.

The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), under the direction of Lodge Chief Clay Higginson, meets monthly, 2ndSunday, 2:00 p.m. until May. Virtual meetings until the Council Office or Camp Illinek become available. Check the website at for updates.

If you have not yet paid your 2021 lodge dues of $15, please make payment by June 30, 2021.

Unit Leader Dinner – was scheduled for November, 2020. We are awaiting direction from the National OA office regarding the 2021 Unit Election requirements. There just wasn’t much camping in 2020, particularly long term. Plans will be announced at our February event.

Annual Winter Awards Banquet – was scheduled for January 10, 2021. Our plans are to make this a virtual event, possibly Sunday evening, February 14, 2021.

ALC Klondike Derby – service and camp promotion will be included where possible.

ALC First Aid Meet – service and camp promotion will be included where possible.

Illinek Lodge Leadership Development Conference – will be scheduled after the Awards Banquet plans.

Unit OA Elections – most likely virtual again in 2021, hope to know by February 14, 2021.

One Day of Service – is still scheduled for April 17, 2021, Camp Illinek and possibly other sites.

Trail’s End Café – is still scheduled for April 24, 2021, Stuart Park, to accompany ALC Lincoln Trail plans.

Flag Retirement – Lodge members and fellow Scouts are invited to gather some outdated US flags from the ALCouncil office and take to a proper location for proper retirement at your convenience.

Section C-3B Conclave – October 15-17, 2021 - Illinek is the host lodge, with the conclave at Camp Illinek. Keep posted to for up to date information. We will need a lot of local staff to host this event.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Joshua Womack to the position of Illinek Lodge Adviser for 2021. Josh is an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member, and has served most recently as the Associate Lodge Advisor to the Lodge Secretary.

Yours in Brotherhood,
John Kirchgessner
Illinek Lodge Adviser 2020

Categories: Announcements


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